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Ankle Sprains
Foot and Ankle Podiatrist in Houston for treat the Ankle Sprains
The practice of a sport should take it calmly and wisely. The role of parents and educators, as well as athletic trainers or coaches who work with children, is very important. In many cases, parents take too seriously the sport of your child, and on the other hand, children also feel pressured, animated, and even reflected in the great stars of soccer, tennis, to be professional ASAP, but many do not play and by appropriate means.
Sprained ankle of children athletes
About 20 percent of the injuries suffered by children are for sporting reasons. Ankle sprains or ligament is more common in children who play sports. Knee injuries are increasing and are very common among children who play more than one sport. Experts also warn that if children play and is injured, can not keep playing because it would sequelae muscle and joints. When a child has an injury should stop the sport to treat and cure, of their future. Immobilize the affected area and stop the inflammatory process with medications prescribed by the doctor. Then, start the rehabilitation process until full recovery. To avoid injury, children should be prepared from a very small to play a sport before, must stretch, wear good shoes.
After an ankle injury, your child may have:
- Difficulty walking;
- Mild to severe pain;
- Less movement in the ankle.
Other signs may include:
- Swelling and bruising on the front and sides of the ankle;
- Pain in areas of bone;
- Little or no pain at the bony prominences.
If your child's ankle is stable, with little pain and no tenderness or pain in the bone, you can care for your child at home. Contact your pediatrician from home.
If your child's ankle is unstable, with much pain and tenderness or pain in the bone, your child will need to see a doctor. The doctor will examine you to determine how damaged ankle.
Reposo, hielo, compresión, elevación
Durante las primeras 24 horas, el tobillo debe reposar.
Mientras el niño está despierto, aplique hielo en la zona hinchada o dolorida durante 30 minutos, cada 4 horas, por 3 días.
Para ayudar a reducir la hinchazón, eleve el tobillo de manera que quede a un nivel más alto que el del corazón.
Analgésicos, vendas de soporte y muletas
Para tratar el dolor y reducir la inflamación, el médico podrá aconsejarle que le administre algún analgésico
Se pueden utilizar vendas de soporte o una férula inmovilizadora Aircast para reducir la inflamación y evitar un daño mayor en el tobillo.
Su niño podrá usar muletas si tiene dificultad para caminar.
Ejercicios de fortalecimiento
Si su niño tiene un esguince leve, podrá comenzar a hacer ejercicios de tobillo luego de transcurridas 48 horas de ocurrida la lesión. Estos ejercicios incluyen la movilización del tobillo en su amplitud natural de movimiento, doblándolo hacia atrás, hacia adelante, hacia adentro y hacia afuera. Para mejorar el equilibrio, es importante que el niño se pare sobre la pierna lesionada. Si soporta un poco de peso y camina suavemente, favorecerá la curación.
La lesión puede tardar más de 2 semanas en mejorar. La curación completa puede demorar entre 10 y 12 semanas.